The Stacks Open Internet Foundation works toward a more equitable, more open internet by supporting Bitcoin-forward technology ecosystems and their technologists.
What we do
Research & Development
We support independent researchers, contributors, and collaborators to help build a more secure internet through research and development of open-source technology.
We produce and support educational programs, events, and resources to new and developers, allowing them to contribute to a more equitable and secure internet built on Bitcoin and its burgeoning ecosystem of layers and tooling.
We facilitate ongoing governance processes for open-source software, maintain open forums for community discussion, and provide leadership and guidance to support decentralized decision-making.
Brittany is the Founder of the Stacks Foundation and has now stepped in to lead the board as Chairperson. She is an experienced investor, company builder, and connector.
Antonie Hodge
Antonie is the Operations Director at Coin Center and a crypto veteran with a rich background in non-profit work having served as a Director at ZCash and Brink.
Meltem Demirors
Meltem Demirors is Chief Strategy Officer of CoinShares and serves as a trusted partner to investors and entrepreneurs navigating the digital asset ecosystem.