Attention Builders: Don't Miss These New Resources to Grow Your Projects
Attention Builders:

With Nakamoto in the process of activating and sBTC just around the bend, it's clear a year of exciting growth is ahead. Day 3 of the 21 Days Of Nakamoto recognizes this, bringing builders 4 new resources that can help you grow your project (plus one you OGs already know about).

For other resources, check out the "Fuel your Project" tab on and if you're brand new to Stacks, take a look at 'Welcome to Stacks' and get inspired to jump in with two feet!
Resources for Bitcoin Builders
Earn STX for building with "Code for STX" 🤑
"Code for STX" is simple: Code, Commit, Earn.

Every month you submit valid code commits that move your project forward, you can earn STX from a prize pool of 10,000 STX!

Winners are drawn at random each month from the pool of eligible entries.
Submit Your Code
Find talent and grow your team with HireVibes 😎
Talent is a team’s most valuable resource. The Stacks Foundation is covering recruiting services with HireVibes expert team for the rest of the year, so if you're hiring, get in touch.

HireVibes has worked with organizations like the Stacks Foundation, Trust Machines, ALEX, Arkadiko, and Bitcoin Frontier Fund.
Get in Touch
Get press coverage for your next launch with Market Across 📢
The Stacks Foundation works closely with the leading crypto PR and marketing firm, Market Across.

Do you want placement in top crypto publications like Decrypt and Coindesk? You’re in luck.
Ask for an intro
Get help with Smart Contract audits with Clarity Alliance 🛡️
Clarity Alliance has audited top Stacks applications like Bitflow, Zest, Hermetica, Stacking DAO, and Asigna.

Security is paramount to a successful launch. We’ll help you get an audit from Clarity Alliance.
Learn more
Get Funded by the Bitcoin Frontier Fund ⛽
The Bitcoin Frontier Fund invests in outstanding teams building new use cases for Bitcoin. The BFF Accelerator program is a 3-month membership program that takes founders from product development, to the ins and outs of pitching, to a demo day with hundreds of investors present. The accelerator invests up to $50K with no valuation cap and features dozens of renowned mentors.
Apply Now
The Stacks Foundation team serves as guides and connectors in the Stacks Ecosystem. From basics, to audits, to press and event support, to market makers, to fundraising, and beyond, we can help you find what you need.