Upcoming changes to stacks.co, stacks.org, and beyond
February 16, 2024
Hey Stackers, I want to preview a few changes to some domains you know and love. Behind the scenes, contributors and our team are always working to maintain and optimize key web properties in conjunction with the critical work happening on the Stacks layer itself. These changes shouldn’t prevent you from getting where you’re going as redirects will be put in place where applicable.
Changes related to stacks.co
  • The stacks.co refresh!
    Thanks to the Brand WG, the Stacks brand has been refreshed to align more cleanly with Bitcoin and offer us additional tools to communicate clearly about the Stacks layer. Eventually all subdomains on stacks.co will be matched to the refreshed look and feel. Along with this refresh, content is getting a full makeover to align with the latest Stacks tech and messaging.

    Note: This will be an iterative rollout. We've prioritized refreshing and improving the most popular pages and then will update others on a rolling basis.
  • Forum updates
    The forum will soon move from forum.stacks.org to forum.stacks.co. This is to clarify that the forum is not a property of the Stacks Foundation, but rather an open community discussion board. The Foundation will continue supporting the maintenance and moderation of the forum along with community contributors.
  • Docs upgrade
    Stacks Docs now use Gitbook on the backend. This upgrade includes new content and improved navigation and search! In the near future, the design will be upgraded to match the refreshed look of stacks.co.
  • Stacks ecosystem page
    We recently upgraded the Stacks ecosystem page that indexes teams, tools, and much more from across the ecosystem. Please help us maintain it by adding what you’re working on using the button on the page!
  • Coming soon: New support page
    We plan to launch an experimental tool to help people find support faster. For newer users, they often don’t understand they should reach out to the application they are using for support directly. Instead, they wind up tracking down a Stacks Foundation team member or generic support email or channel. This adds wait time for them and takes resources to triage when they should be getting directly in touch with the provider.
Changes to stacks.org
  • Stacks Foundation site
    We’ll be moving the content of the Stacks Foundation site to stacks.foundation. We’ve heard a few times over the years that for new folks, the distinction between stacks.co (main Stacks website) and .org (Stacks Foundation website) can give pause or create confusion. With so many new eyeballs streaming in, this change will make navigating the ecosystem just a little bit easier. As mentioned above, the forum will move to forum.stacks.co. When work is completed, stacks.org will simply redirect to stacks.co, while sub-pages such as stacks.org/blog will redirect to their replacement at stacks.foundation/blog.
  • Stacks community page
    Elsewhere, community.stacks.org has been retired and redirects to stacks.co. Over the past year, we’ve consolidated the key functionality and information from that page such as the events calendar, jobs board, and other content, to stacks.co.
And...a new site!
You will now find a new home for all things Nakamoto at nakamoto.run.

Check it out and make sure you vote on the Nakamoto upgrade!