Nakamoto Activation Overview
The Nakamoto Activation Sequence Starts August 28th
At long last, Nakamoto’s activation window is nearly upon us. We’ve connected with Core Developers to bring you this complete look at the sequence that will bring us all the highly anticipated Nakamoto features.
TL;DR: On August 28th, the final code for Nakamoto will be shipped to network operators and the activation window will open. Network operators will have one Stacking Cycle (Cycle 92) to upgrade. After the network has successfully handed off from Cycle 92 to Cycle 93, a final hard fork block will be chosen by core developers.
The ABC’s of Nakamoto Activation
It’s an exciting time, Stackers. Please help others to understand this important sequence and join us for the upcoming community townhall on August 28th to hear from development leads in real-time as the Activation sequence begins.

Here are the key steps in the Activation sequence that brings Nakamoto to life:
sBTC Follow On Timing Unchanged
As previously covered, sBTC will be ready for mainnet release as soon as 4 weeks after the Nakamoto hard fork. This timeline is based on the fact that sBTC relies on the new forking and consensus rules of Nakamoto and core developers want to see at least two full Stacking cycles of network stability before releasing sBTC. sBTC development is on track to meet this schedule.
Factors that could affect timelines:
As always, core developers are committed to a safe, secure launch. As such, several factors could warrant additional time added to the Nakamoto activation sequence outlined above and result in a new hard fork block being selected:

  • Testing & Audit Results: A top-notch group of researchers, contractors, and testers, along with security auditors from Clarity Alliance and Quantstamp, continue to hammer away at Nakamoto as they have for the past several months. This testing is ongoing, so there is always the possibility they surface an issue that needs to be addressed before the final hard fork.
  • Signer Needs: The ecosystem is proud to have industry leaders comprising its leading Signer network. Signers are a critical new network player so if a clear issue or unexpected need arises during activation, additional time would be taken to address it.
  • Miner adoption: As always, miners must choose to adopt the new code. Should they be delayed or experience issues with their setups, it could cause a delay in Activation.
  • SIP-025 Voting: While there is every indication Signers will approve the ongoing SIP-025 vote, we should not entirely eliminate the possibility feedback is raised which requires addressing before both Signers and core developers are comfortable with the signature scheme.
What's next?
  • Developers
    Developers, if you’re not actively working on a Stacks project, it’s time to get in the game! Did you know you can get paid just for working on something cool every month? Yep, you need to check out Code4STX, a new program that rewards builders for being builders.

    Also, be sure to keep an eye on the Stacks Documentation, as new tricks and features are added to testnet regularly.
  • Signers
    If you haven’t already, be sure to vote on SIP-025. You can learn more about this here.
  • Everyone
    Make sure to vote on SIP-027, which proposes improved multi-sig support for Stacks. Learn more here and vote here.
Join the Stacks community for a special edition of townhall on the day Nakamoto Activation begins! Hear from Core Developers, teams with recent and upcoming launches, key contributors, and some special guests!