Stacks Documentation Revamped
Announcing a major upgrade to Stacks documentation
One of the key educational resources for developers in the Stacks ecosystem is the documentation.
At the Foundation, one of our primary goals is making sure the developers have the resources they need to effectively build on Stacks and the documentation plays a key role in that.

Today, we launched a major upgrade to the documentation, specifically around how the information is organized and structured.
These changes were made after several conversations with community members, in addition to working with an outside consultant who helped us conduct a comprehensive audit of the documentation and provided a roadmap for how to make it more effective. This reorganization, which also includes several rewritten pages, is Phase 1 of some major improvements we are making to the docs.

In addition to the restructuring, we have several additional guides, tutorials, and references in the works.
Changes in documentation can be a bit jarring for developers, especially when you are used to navigating a certain way and then things abruptly change on you.

There were a couple of reasons behind the changes that we'll highlight here.
Use Case Focus
One of the big changes to the docs is that the navigation is now focused on 4 core areas:
  • Concepts
  • Guides and Tutorials
  • References
  • Examples
Previously the docs were organized around the different components of Stacks, but that ignored the fact that everybody coming to the docs is doing so with a specific outcome in mind. They may want to learn, build an application, look up a Clarity function, understand the core stacking contract, etc.
This new high-level navigation is centered around making it easier to find content based on the outcome you are trying to achieve: concepts for learning, guides, and tutorials for building, references for, well, referring to, etc.
Practical Examples
The second major change revolves around making the docs as practical as possible. Docs should not only enable builders to learn about the tech but also enable them to effectively build on it regardless of what they are trying to build.

This new docs structure lays the foundation for adding numerous new guides, tutorials, references, and examples to gradually transform the docs into a repository for everything you would need to know to effectively build on Stacks.

To effectively help developers get the most out of the new docs, I’ve created a video walking you through the organizational structure and how you can best make use of them.
Learn More
After you’ve checked out that video, the best place to begin is the ‘Start Here’ page of the docs. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, don’t hesitate to open a PR or an issue in the docs GitHub repo.