Consideration Advisory Boards (CABs) are part of an ongoing effort to further
expand and refine the Stacks Improvement Proposal (SIP) process (a SIP is a formal document that is utilized to propose a change to the Stacks blockchain. Any user can submit a SIP, and every SIP will be subject to the same criteria).
For every SIP consideration, there is a CAB. The duty of the CAB is to utilize their expertise to judge the merit of a SIP. A CAB is a group of people from the Stacks community that provides expert feedback on any accepted-status SIP relevant to their field. CABs offer up feedback to the whole community, and to the Steering Committee (the Steering Committee acts as a steward of the Stacks blockchain. It is primarily concerned with overseeing the Stacks blockchain evolving design, operation, and governance).
CABs help to vet SIPs and bring vetting to the community at large. This ensures that there is a decentralized process that is more robust with more voices. CABs help to bring people from the broader Stacks community into the feedback process.